Friends and Family Test




During the month of August 2024, out of 170 surveyed patients, we received 99 responses with a summary of scores being as follows:-


We are absolutely delighted to receive such positive scores.  We very much value the feedback that we have received, it is very rewarding for the whole surgery team and makes us all very proud.

We all enjoy reading the freetext comments when patients are asked to give details on why they are given the score they have, these are just some of the responses:-



We are listening – here is what we are doing

We understand patients had been very frustrated with the struggle to get through on the phone, so we have just had a new phone system installed to help streamline calls more efficiently. There are some new features such as a call back option and the facility to check or cancel your appointment without the need to wait in a queue. We hope you have found the new system user friendly and that it has improved your experience. Our staff always give their all to assisting our patients and hope we can improve in any areas you feel we have not met your expectations. Whilst we are always disappointed to receive negative responses, they are just as important as the positive ones to help us grow, so please get in touch with the team if you wish to discuss any concerns or bad experiences further.


Updated:  02-September-2024